Why Not If-Then?

Consider the business rule statement:  An employee must have a name.  What is the then of that?  From a business perspective there is no then.  There might be some enforcement if the rule is violated, but that's a different matter.

A typical IT counterpart might be: 
        If an employee does not have a name, then [do something]. 

The focus of this specification is not to express the rule, but rather to look for violations and do something in response.  That focus is off-target for the primary business need.

In good English construction, every sentence has a subject.  Although this subject may be implied or the sentence inverted, more often than not an explicit subject appears as the first word or phrase in the main body of the sentence.  Such sentences are usually direct and, if well written, easy to follow.  (The subject in the previous sentence, for example, is 'sentences'.)

So RuleSpeak does not use if-then syntax.  It prescribes that statements of guidance always have an explicit subject at the beginning.  That subject should be a noun, possibly qualified.