WorkflowStudent Eligibility -- non-Special Ed


A Service Agent determines student eligibility for transport assistance.   The student's caregiver to the student's school submits an application.   The school confirms that the student is enrolled, and passes the application on to the service agent responsible for schools in that region.

All applications are entered into STS so that both eligible and ineligible applications can be tracked [UC001].   Service agents are expected to have knowledge of the local areas they are responsible for, including the schools, public transport, etc.   With this knowledge, they determine relevant distances and other eligibility criteria for entry into STS [UC010].

Having established a set of viable bus routes, the service agent commits the assistance type(s) for individual (eligible) students in STS [UC002].   The government may be consulted if a conveyance allowance is being granted that involves some aspect (e.g. distances) that is outside of guidelines.

If there is a viable bus route the student is assigned to it.   If the caregiver is to be given a conveyance allowance for this student, that is indicated.   When the application receives final QC signoff, a conveyance allowance [schedule] can be created based on the distances noted by the service agent previously.   Any applicable comments are recorded and the application is submitted for QC signoff by a designated person [UC057].

NOTE:   If the caregiver already has a conveyance allowance contract (e.g. for other children) then any existing payment schedules are automatically adjusted (to even out the proportional payments for 2 or more children).

The designated QC person reviews the application and proposed assistance types.   If all is well, final approval is given, triggering appropriate letters to the school bus controller and/or caregiver.   On approval, STS automatically sets up the caregiver as a provider (if not already one), a contract (if not already one), and a schedule for this particular conveyance allowance (and adjusts any existing conveyance allowance schedules if necessary, based on multiple children receiving a conveyance allowance).   If required, the caregiver is set up in the financial system as a supplier [UC006], so that payments can be made.

NOTE:   If an item submitted for quality check is rejected, the item returns to a status where it can be corrected and resubmitted for checking.