Interface Description: Send Payment Records to Accounts Payable System



Providers (e.g., bus operators, taxi operators, caregivers receiving conveyance allowances) are paid via direct deposit to specified bank accounts through the financials system.   The payments made are based on payment transactions created in STS, batched, and sent to the accounts payable system.

Each contract type indicates the day of month or day of month and month of year (for quarterly payments) when payment is due.   A batch job runs [nightly] to determine which types of payment are due.   For each type due, payment records are created based on payment schedules of those contract types.

NOTE:   Details of the batch job that creates the payment records and batches is left to the design phase.

The values sent must conform to requirements of the financial system in terms of field type and size, uniqueness, and mandatory values.


Batches of payment records are sent based on contract type, as follows:

Information Interfaced

Each Payment Batch Header includes the following information: