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Stanley A.  Hendryx
Stanley A. Hendryx Founder, Hendryx & Associates Read Author Bio

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Stanley A. Hendryx
SBVR and MDA: Architecture
Stanley A. Hendryx

About Stanley A. Hendryx:

Stanley  A. Hendryx
Stanley A. Hendryx Founder, Hendryx & Associates

Stan Hendryx is the founder of Hendryx & Associates, a consultancy specializing in modeling business processes and complex systems, and a provider of technology and tools for modeling and model transformation. He was the instigator and a co-submitter of the OMG Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules specification (SBVR). Mr. Hendryx is co-chairman of the OMG Business Modeling & Integration Domain Task Force and Business Process Management Initiative Steering Committee, and a member of the Strategic Advisory Board of the Digital Business Ecosystem project(DBE). DBE is an integrated project of the European Commission Framework Program 6 that has adopted SBVR for formal natural language business models to interconnect small and medium sized businesses across Europe for business-to-businesss transactions. Mr. Hendryx is the developer of Model-based Business Engineering, a system engineering methodology for developing business systems from models.

Previously, Mr. Hendryx was Director at Nortel Networks, and Senior Manager at KPMG Consulting (now BearingPoint). He has held management positions at Oracle Corporation and AT&T Bell Laboratories. Mr. Hendryx holds the degrees Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

He can be contacted at

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