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Vitaly   Khusidman
Vitaly Khusidman Enterprise Modernization Lead, Unisys and Member, OMG Read Author Bio

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About Vitaly Khusidman:

Vitaly   Khusidman
Vitaly Khusidman Enterprise Modernization Lead, Unisys and Member, OMG

Dr. Vitaly Khusidman is responsible for the company Enterprise Modernization strategy, R&D and partner ecosystem. Dr. Khusidman is an active member of OMG, contributing to Architecture Driven Modernization and Business Modeling and Integration Task Forces. During last 30 years, he has been involved in numerous public sector, health care, real-time control, telecommunications, publishing, financial, and insurance mission-critical projects. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Institute for Control Problems of Russian Academy of Science in 1987. Dr. Khusidman can be reached at

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