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Dan   Tasker
Dan Tasker Author / Consultant , Read Author Bio

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Dan  Tasker
Business Rules — Seriously?

About Dan Tasker:

Dan   Tasker
Dan Tasker Author / Consultant ,

The author of two books and numerous articles, Dan Tasker recently retired after working and consulting in the IT industry for the past 48 years. He spent the first 10 years working as a developer (called "programmer" back then) in the United States and Canada. This was followed by two years teaching computer programming, database design, and data modelling. The remainder of his career was spent as a business analyst, in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. He continues to be passionate about quality requirements and helping business analysts produce them. He can be contacted at

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 Ronald G. Ross
 John A. Zachman
The Issue Is THE ENTERPRISE By John A. Zachman Jan. 2017 | Vol. 18, Iss. 1