OMG Standards in Support of Business Communication Governance Authors' Web Site

John   Hall
John Hall Principal, Model Systems Read Author Bio || Read All Articles by John Hall

Governance documents (however they are stored and accessed) govern what an organization does and how it does it.  Some examples are:  business policies and rules; contracts; leases; product & service specifications; terms & conditions of supply; advertisements; regulations.  Governance documents also define or imply risks to businesses.  Some risks are planned and managed.  Problems arise from unplanned, unexpected risks, often caused by ambiguity, omission, or inconsistency in governance.

Donald Chapin, Mike Bennett, and I have set up a web site ( for governance authors — the people in an organization responsible for its governance documents.  The site is mainly about compliance and risk — not only in the narrow sense of regulatory compliance (although that's part of it), but also in ensuring that an organization can meet its obligations and commitments without unexpected, unplanned risk caused by its governance documents.  The site has some reference papers and links to relevant organizations and conferences, but we hope that it will develop mainly into a blogging site for discussion and development of good practice.

One strong theme is the importance of sound terminology (see my blog post "Two terms worth $680,000").  Kara Warburton, international chair of ISO Technical Committee 37:  Terminology and other language and content resources, is supportive and has already contributed two presentations.

Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) has a central role.  Donald and Mike are the co-chairs of the OMG's SBVR task force.  Mike is also the architect of the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) and one of the leading developers of the OMG's OWL2 specification of FIBO.  In parallel, he is developing a version that will be usable in natural language by governance authors.  We expect that interest in financial governance documents will develop quite soon.

To encourage this initiative, OMG is hosting a one-day event OMG Standards in Support of Business Communication on June 18th, during its technical meeting in Berlin, Germany.  Visit for details.

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Standard citation for this article:

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John Hall, "OMG Standards in Support of Business Communication Governance Authors' Web Site" Business Rules Journal, Vol. 16, No. 6, (Jun. 2015)

About our Contributor:

John   Hall
John Hall Principal, Model Systems

John Hall serves as the Business Rule Community's own Technology Review Editor.  Mr. Hall is also a principal of Model Systems, a consulting company with offices in London, England and Seattle, WA.  He has more than 30 years' IS experience, predominantly in database systems, architecture and methodology, and, more recently, in Web applications and e-commerce.  He is currently dividing his time between a major credit card company and
a European airline.

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Using Natural Language and SBVR to Author Unambiguous Business Governance Documents
OMG Standards in Support of Business Communication Governance Authors' Web Site
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